AGL Next
Recruiting changemakers through video storytelling.
The core film introduced audiences to the AGL Next mission of ‘Decarbonising the way Australians live and move’
The Objectives
From the initial discussions with the AGL Next team, the objective was clear; they wanted to create a compelling, narrative-driven campaign based on their central mission to become a change-maker and leader within the industry but didn't know where to begin.
The team highlighted the need to attract new talent from diverse backgrounds to help expand the AGL Next team. With a mission to move beyond energy and into social change - they understood the value of attracting unique voices and thinkers.
The story needed to clearly showcase their intention to move towards a decarbonised economy to existing partners within the broader renewable energy ecosystem, stakeholders and customers. The narrative needed to generate better conversation and innovative solutions from existing AGL employees to help transform the company in response to the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition.
“As a team, we believe stories make words come alive; we were excited by the autonomy to create a remarkable story from there, to help drive the project forward creatively and logistically as collaborative partners.”
Who is AGL Next?
The AGL Next team is home to the company's innovators, future-thinkers and entrepreneurs. The team's central focus is to showcase emerging technologies and transformative new ways of working to their customers and the larger team at AGL.
The team is actively responsible for shaping AGL's sustainability strategy toward a decarbonised future. Working with investors and like-minded thinkers to generate out-of-the-box ideas to satisfy the changing needs of customers and stakeholders now and in the future. Part of the change is to retain AGL customers who want to see the company generating value and delivering real-world contributions to tackling climate change.
Khorus & AGL Next
At Khorus, we pride ourselves on working with partners with similar purposes, business values & those working towards a sustainable impact
We believe storytelling has the inherent power of making any message stronger, more impactful and easier to remember through the art of video, so when Khorus Founder Kade Greenland began closely following AGL's mission to become a leader in decarbonisation over five years ago, he instinctively knew the partnership with AGL next was the perfect fit.
In early 2022. Khorus met with AGL Next to discuss how we, as visual storytellers, could help propel their mission through great storytelling, capture people's imaginations, and be enthusiastic about the change AGL Next.
"The AGL Next team is passionate about change and flying the flag for decarbonisation within Australia. I was struck by the level of ambition and scale of transformation they were chasing. The partnership was creatively collaborative and open about their motivations and targets from the very early stages of the relationship, allowing for a wonderful, transparent partnership where both sides were utterly engaged in the creative process." - Kade Greenland.
The Creative Process
Phase one:
To establish the elements of the story we wanted to uncover through our visual series, we needed to first clearly understand the team's objectives and the broader objective of AGL, then determine who the characters would be and what stories we wanted to tell through our characters.
Phase two:
Host a story workshop with the AGL Next team to meet the team and explore their motivations, challenges and their personal and collective visions.
"It is an essential element of any story to always start with character. We wanted to go on a little bit of a journey of exploration with the AGL Next team to understand the characters in this team so that we could feature their authentic stories. From there, we could establish what we want the audience to learn from the AGL Next characters."
Phase Three
Tying together characters, the central objectives, what we wanted the audience to walk away plus the emotional undertone - we were then able to create a series of videos to condense a lot of information in a consumable and engaging way.
Phase Four
Map out four videos, each with a unique arc, providing they each complimented the others to build out a rich tapestry of stories to consume through various mediums.
Video Production Elements
The location needed to complement the central story and capture our key characters in a unique backdrop; we chose Mission to Seafarers, a heritage-listed building in Melbourne, Victoria.
We shot with 12K stock to allow for versatility in post-production to create different ratios from each story that could be distributed on multiple social and video platforms.
The Outcomes
The video's power establishes AGL Next's brand voice and narrative across its digital channels. AGL Next can now directly communicate with its audience with a thought-provoking, informative video that sparks conversations and creates interest in its sustainability mission.
By condensing this complex information in a consumable and engaging way through a series of compelling videos, AGL's customers and employees can easily consume it from their devices. This led to higher engagement and interest in the AGL Next mission.